SALEM, Oregon and EAST LANSING, Michigan, January 12, 2017 – The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has selected a vendor for its statewide Provider Directory. The Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) was selected after a thorough and competitive procurement process, led by OHA’s prime vendor, Harris Corporation.
This milestone could not have been reached without the support of Oregon stakeholders, who contributed to development of the operational requirements for the Provider Directory and the formal request for proposal (RFP). Members of the Provider Directory Advisory Group (PDAG) were invited to participate in vendor product demonstrations and reference calls with vendors’ existing customers. OHA thanks all of the stakeholders who participated in the procurement process and helped to ensure the Provider Directory solution will meet users’ needs and work requirements.
The Provider Directory will leverage and match data from existing, trusted data sources to produce quality provider data that can be used to support operational efficiencies, health information exchange, care coordination, and analysis of provider data. Health care entities will be able to use one trusted, single and complete source of provider data essential to improving system efficiencies and patient care coordination, while helping reduce costs for Oregonians. MiHIN is successfully providing similar services in Michigan and New Jersey, and that experience is expected to contribute to the successful implementation of the Provider Directory.
MiHIN has also been selected as the vendor for the Clinical Quality Metrics Registry which is another project sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority. Initially, the CQMR will support data collection for two programs: (1) the EHR-based clinical quality measures (CQMs) that are a subset of the CCO incentive measures and (2) CQMs from eligible professionals in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. Over time, depending on stakeholder needs and readiness, the CQMR is expected to support a “report once” strategy where providers may leverage reporting to the CQMR to meet requirements for multiple reporting programs. Learn more about the CQMR here.
After completing rigorous state and federal contract review processes, OHA expects to execute a contract in Spring 2017 to implement the MiHIN Provider Directory solution for Oregon. The Provider Directory solution is expected to go live in 2018. Background on the Oregon Provider Directory can be found here.
Prime vendor – Harris Corporation
In 2015, the Oregon Health Authority contracted with Harris Corporation to serve as its prime contractor and systems integrator (SI) for the Oregon Health Information Technology Program’s implementation projects. Under the contract, Harris is responsible for overseeing the implementation of three key projects, the Common Credentialing solution, Provider Directory and Clinical Quality Metrics Registry. Upon completion, these interrelated projects will provide crucial building blocks for statewide HIT services that support care coordination, quality improvement, analytics, and new models of care and payment in Oregon.
Harris has experience with the state’s healthcare transformation efforts and has successfully partnered with OHA since 2011 to manage and deliver initial components of the state’s health information exchange strategy. Harris works under the direction and approval of OHA’s Office of Health IT.
About MiHIN
MiHIN is a Michigan non-profit entity and has implemented successful provider directories in Michigan and New Jersey. Built in 2012, MiHIN’s statewide provider directory is developed on a highly scalable, secure, and flexible environment that can support an extensive number of providers, provider types, provider demographics, flexible hierarchies and relationships for providers and organizations, and electronic addresses for receiving protected health information (PHI). MiHIN is also highly involved in national Provider Directory-related organizations and efforts such as DirectTrust, the ONC’s Interoperability Roadmap and Strategic Implementation Guide for Provider Directory, and the Argonaut FHIR Working Group to ensure MiHIN is current with national trends and emerging standards. For more information please visit