Cross Sector Data Sharing for Social Care
Working to address our stakeholder’s challenges and obstacles in gathering relevant SDOH data, preparing it for analysis and putting it to use for clinical care and business planning.
About MiHIN’s Cross Sector Data Sharing Work
In response to the critical and complex interactions between medical, behavioral, social and economic factors in maintaining and improving health, and the recognition by our stakeholders that people move between organizations as they receive care, MiHIN began planning to support enhanced collection of social care (SDoH) data and improved cross-sector data exchange in 2016.
MiHIN’s work is focused on data movement and not about social need resolution; the SDOH Program was aptly retitled Cross Sector Data Sharing and refocused on developing an overall approach to cross-sector data exchange that supports several directed use cases to reduce health disparities: health and social care (clinical-community linkages), educational support (child school-based services), correctional system and re-entry, integrated behavioral health care services, as well as statewide support programs for major social problem domains (notably housing, food, and transportation).
As we mature the Interoperable Referrals Use Case, our work is to develop a legal and technical infrastructure necessary to exchange data related to social need referrals according to national data and technical standards.
In an unprecedented commitment to achieve an open and connected ecosystem of care for communities, eight social care platform vendors signed an Interoperable Referrals Pledge and in doing so, have taken responsibility to act, together, in the public interest to enable a more interoperable social care environment through mutual collaboration.
Building off the momentum created by the pledge the vendors formed a Community of Practice (CoP) facilitated by MiHIN, dedicated to the statewide sharing of data that documents social need identification, referrals, interventions, and outcomes amongst care teams that span health and social care.
2021-2022; Cross Sector Data Sharing
Despite exceptional strain on State of Michigan human services programs and resources during 2020-2021, in late 2021 MDHHS was able to convene a new SDoH program team, bringing dedicated technical and subject matter expertise to catalyze and guide work to enhance social care and reduce health disparities. A request was made to MiHIN to conduct another series of statewide SDoH workshops to better understand the current state of SDoH data capture and exchange within and across sectors and to prepare to address the full complexity of the work necessary to equitably manage cross sector data sharing. The following organizations provided critical design and partnership:

- January 11 – Community Based Organizations (Slides)
- January 18 – Health Providers & Teams (Slides)
- January 25 – Government Entities (Slides)
2020; SDOH Use Case
In December 2019, as the State Innovation Model (SIM) demonstration moved toward its conclusion, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) requested that the Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) convene a series of statewide SDoH workshops. The workshop series built upon the work of the Community Health Innovation Regions (CHIRs) in developing SDoH screening and Clinical-Community Linkages to enhance cross-sector care. The ultimate goal of the workshop series was to inform a statewide SDoH Use Case that would enable SDoH data exchange between health care organizations, community social service organizations, and other key care providers for purposes of direct care coordination as well as population health assessment and improvement.
2016-2019; Coordinating the Care Coordinators
In response to the critical and complex interactions between medical, behavioral, social and economic factors in maintaining and improving health, and the recognition by our stakeholders that people move between organizations as they receive care, MiHIN began planning to support enhanced collection of social care (SDoH) data and improved cross-sector data exchange in 2016. The Coordinating the Care Coordinators Workshop series was hosted by the Michigan Primary Care Consortium (MPCC) with support from the staff of the Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) and a whitepaper was created. MDHHS initiated a plan via MiHIN to develop a mechanism to establish care coordinators within our Health Directory and assign them a unique ID, for use similar to an NPI. Doing so would provide coordinator’s the opportunity to utilize other MiHIN products and services like Active Care Relationships Service (ACRS), Admit Discharge Transfer Service (ADT’s), MIGateway, and Direct Secure Messaging product (Diretto).
Related Work and Resources
MiHIN SDOH Program/ Healthcare Provider Workgroup
MiHIN assembled a limited working group of boots-on-the-ground healthcare providers to make recommendations on our SDOH and Interoperable Referrals Use Cases and associated services.
The working group meets several times to:
• Help to refine minimum data needs that would allow an interoperable referral to occur
• React to a draft of information that a clinician would find valuable to know about social care (social care snapshot)
• Provide feedback about social care reporting needs from a healthcare provider perspective
MiHIN SDoH HCP Workgroup 1 (05-27-2022)
MiHIN SDoH HCP Workgroup 2 (06-07-2022)
MiHIN SDoH HCP Workgroup 3 (07-2022)
Health Affairs blog: Improving Health And Well-Being Through Community Care Hubs
Principles of an Equitable Health and Social Care Ecosystem
MDHHS Health Information Technology Commission
MDHHS Regional Health Equity Advisory Councils
MDHHS: 2022-2024 Social Determinates of Health Strategies
MDHHS Health Information Technology Commission’s CIE TASK FORCE
Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH)
All In | Data For Community Health
Breaking Down Silos: How to Share Data to Improve the Health of People Experiencing Homelessness
Aligning for Health Monthly Newsletter