Published: 11/30/2020 – 

Starting immediatelyMiHIN will begin to actively engage behavioral health facilities that do not need consent to share Admission, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) information to participate in the Statewide ADT Service.   

According to the Michigan Standards for Behavioral Health ADT Records “Recommendations of the CIO Forum white paper, information will be routed from a CMH, through MiHIN, to participating providers (primary care, hospitals, or other behavioral health organizations). This will enable behavioral health information to start flowing to the active care team now.   

For organizations that require consent to share specially protected information in line with federal and state regulations, MiHIN has begun creating the Behavioral Health SPI ADT Use Case. This use case will partner with our eConsent Use Case to enable specially protected ADT data to flow to the active care team members that have a consent registered in our statewide eConsent database. The eConsent use case will create an ACRS Choices ™ attribute to assist in the proper routing of protected information to the patent’s designated care team.  

In future phases, the eConsent product will begin defining and collecting patient preferences related to other types of privacy consent directives, advance care directives, medical treatment and research consent directives.