Published: 1/29/2021 – 

Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) has begun convening key stakeholders throughout the state of Michigan to help frame a statewide data sharing opportunity for exchanging medical images. This virtual collaborative workshop series is designed to identify key barriers in exchanging medical images today and prioritize data sharing scenarios based on the additional value for the community.

The workshops will focus on building a multi-vendor initiative to broaden the conversation and barriers that are present when sharing medical images between systems. The workshops will result in a White Paper that frames the data sharing opportunity and the associated issues that will be used as the foundation for developing the required functionality to enhance the existing use case.

Our first session, The Current State & Vendor Models for Interoperability, discussed:

  • Workshop Purpose and Background
  • Glimpse of the Current State of Imaging Exchange
  • Process Going Forward and Next Steps

The next workshop will be held on February 25, 2021 and will be centered around capturing the voice of the providers and patients in this data sharing scenario.