For immediate release
Nov. 16, 2022

For additional information, contact:
Emily Mata | 517.745.8835
[email protected]

Eight Social Care Platform Organizations Collaborate to Improve Interoperable Referrals in Michigan

Collaboration will create significant value, help communities become more resilient

Lansing, Mich.— Building off the momentum created by the Michigan Health Information Network’s (MiHIN’s) Interoperable Referrals Pledge, eight of the nation’s leading social care platform vendors, Care Advisors, CareConvene, Findhelp, Holon, PCE Systems, Riverstar, Unite Us and WellSky, have formed a Community of Practice (CoP) hosted by MiHIN. Collaboratively governed and facilitated, the CoP is dedicated to the statewide sharing of data that documents social need identification, referrals, interventions, and outcomes amongst care teams that span health and social care.

The organizations collectively created a charter and define their CoP as:

A group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, or an interest in a topic and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals through the sharing of best practices and creating new knowledge to advance a domain of professional practice.

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