
Within these forums we will discuss business, technical, and operational updates and news.

MiHIN Operations Advisory Committee (MOAC)

Collectively the advisory committee aims to:

Leverage health information exchange pilots state-wide for sustainable adoption
Improve and validate minimally viable use cases to be operationally feasible and useful
Network and partner to proactively define new legal and security expectations and responsibilities
Keep accountability for a successful statewide Health Information Network

MOAC Conformance Task Force

  • Task Forces are ad hoc subgroups with clear members, start/end dates, deliverables and deadlines. The goals of the Conformance Task Force Committee include:
    • Ensure health care entities and care providers are receiving the quality information they need
    • Identify specific data needed in a message to perform efficient transitions of care
    • Determine message data specific thresholds
    • Identify pain points in conformance specifics
    • Determine future incentives for new use cases

Physician Payer Quality Collaborative

  • Purpose: Michigan’s Physician-Payer Quality Collaborative Michigan’s Physician-Payer Quality Collaborative
    (PPQC) is a multi-stakeholder group launched by MiHIN and the Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) working to standardize and streamline the exchange of supplemental clinical data, and bridge gaps in care between providers and health plans.
  • The PPQC has successfully implemented a data flow that has exchanged hundreds of millions of
    records to date. State and federal organizations including CMS and NCQA have endorsed PPQC and
    the emphasis on collaboration and standardization.
  • If you are a data sender (PO) or receiver (Payer) and are interested in attending, please contact us!

Tier Three Hospitals

  • Established in 2021, the purpose of the Tier 3 Hospital Round Table is to work in partnership to create a shared voice amongst the hospital and health system stakeholders and to help guide MiHIN towards excellence in support of the hospitals/health systems and their respective provider organizations. Additionally, the Tier 3 Round Table’s purpose is to provide feedback to MiHIN regarding new Use Cases and/or advancing Use Cases, services, and products offered by MiHIN to the Michigan Market.

    The Round Table will meet monthly to communicate upcoming changes or enhancements to service delivery, to utilize the Round Table as a sounding board for new use cases or new project work as MiHIN will be held accountable to provide answers and clarity to the group and to hear first-hand from the Michigan Market as it relates to current interests and market trends.

    Collectively the Tier 3 Round Table aims to:

    • Clearly define and align on goals and objectives of all parties.
    • Be a forum where hospital stakeholders can communicate shared affairs.
    • Communicate changes or enhancements to a MiHIN service or product.
    • Be a confidant for new use cases or identify a new need.
    • Respect any confidential discussions held in the group or shared by other members.
    • Provide input on the work products at specific milestones in the development process.
    • Makes recommendations to MOAC with operational advice or approval of use cases and work products, as well as recommendations for new use cases.