Electronic Case Reporting Use Case

This use case allows healthcare providers to send case reports regarding a patient’s infectious disease status to a public health agency.

Use Case Summary, Implementation Guide and Supporting Documents

Electronic Case Reporting Use Case Summary

Electronic Case Reporting Use Case Implementation Guide


For the 2023 EHR reporting period in the CMS’ Programs, Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program (PI) for eligible hospitals/CAHs, and Quality Payment Program (QPP)/Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) for eligible clinicians, there are two available options to be considered as meeting requirements.

The Active Engagement Options are:

Option 1: Pre-production and Validation;spans the registration through testing phase, including parallel validation.

Option 2: Validated Data Production; means you are in Full Production and are approved to stop manual reporting.

Click to learn more.

Healthcare providers are required to report communicable diseases so that:

  • Outbreaks can be managed
  • More routine trends can be investigated and managed
  • The public can be protected from infection
  • Treatment and education can be provided to impacted populations and providers
  • Preventive measures can be enacted
  • Long-term success efforts can be measured
  • Research into causes and cures can be more exact

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