The Download – July 13

Join MiHIN for The Download, a monthly webinar featuring Michigan HIE news and updates on policy, use cases, data-sharing tools, and more. This virtual forum provides a timely and focused setting for MiHIN’s trusted data-exchange partners and other interested parties...

The Download – May 4

Join MiHIN for The Download, a monthly webinar featuring Michigan HIE news and updates on policy, use cases, data-sharing tools, and more. This virtual forum provides a timely and focused setting for MiHIN’s trusted data-exchange partners and other interested parties...

The Download – April 6

Join MiHIN for The Download, a monthly webinar featuring Michigan HIE news and updates on policy, use cases, data-sharing tools, and more. This virtual forum provides a timely and focused setting for MiHIN’s trusted data-exchange partners and other interested parties...