News and Noteworthy
Use Case Onboardings – December
Published: 1/11/2021 - MiHIN is pleased to announce the following organizations have onboarded to use cases and now sharing various types of data, statewide through the health information network. To learn more about a use case, click on the link provided. ...
USQHIN – An Alternative Nationwide Health Information Network
Published: 1/11/2021 - USQHIN – An Alternative Nationwide Health Information Network The United States Health Information Network (USQHIN), a wholly owned subsidiary of Velatura Public Benefit Corporation, has been launched in response to pending federal regulatory...
WEDI – A Framework for Implementing Telehealth
Published: 1/8/2021 - WEDI - A Framework for Implementing Telehealth Rapid Changes in Telehealth Coverage In order to enable health care providers to care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, sweeping changes resulted in expansion in telehealth access, eligible...
Telehealth use soars during the pandemic
Published: 1/8/2021 - Telehealth use soars during the pandemic, here to stay BY MARK SANCHEZ Sunday, January 03, 2021 05:20pm Spectrum Health entered 2020 with a goal of having half of eligible primary care patient visits with its doctors occur virtually by the end of...
Proposed Changes to HIPAA and the CMS Interoperability Rule
Published: 1/8/2021 - While the pandemic has remained the top priority in the U.S. healthcare landscape, it has highlighted the importance of interoperability and the key challenges that exist to coordinated care. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and...
Announcing the PHI Consent Tool Video Series
Published: 1/8/2021 - In 2019, The Michigan Health Endowment commissioned Altarum to develop the PHI Consent Tool to help providers navigate the complexity of consent and confidentiality regulations around the release and exchange of protected health information...
The MiHIN Operations Advisory Committee
Published: 1/8/2021 - The MiHIN Operations Advisory Committee (MOAC) was formed in 2013 to create a governance structure that allows stakeholders from across the state that have signed our Qualified Data Sharing Agreement to provide feedback, guide MiHIN operations...
Velatura Public Benefit Corporation Announces the Formation of Velatura HIE Corporation, Affiliation with Midwest Health Connection
Published: 1/6/2021 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For additional information, contact: Emily Mata | Marketing & Communications Manager Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services 517.745.8835 [email protected] Velatura Public...
Michigan Health Information Network’s Shared Services (MiHIN) Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2020
Summary A comprehensive report of Michigan Health Information Network’s Shared Services (MiHIN) activities throughout 2020... View Report>
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