Imaging Use Case
The Imaging use case supports provider workflow improvements by providing access to a patient’s images in a central location. Images shared can help improve the quality, efficiency, and cost of healthcare.
Use Case Summary, Implementation Guide and Supporting Documents
Imaging Use Case Implementation Guide
2021; Imaging Workshop Series and Whitepaper
As part of our Use Case Factory, Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) hosted a five-part imaging workshop series to convene key stakeholders in the state with the overarching goal of identifying current barriers to efficient image sharing and discovering paths for leveraging MiHIN to support diagnostic image sharing and ubiquitous access statewide. A white paper was created and shared with potential sponsors like the State of Michigan and various health plans to further address this statewide need.
About this Use Case
Coordination of care across the healthcare continuum can be very challenging and can have a negative impact on healthcare costs as well as patient care if data is unavailable. This is especially true for radiology imaging because duplicating certain radiology studies will expose patients to unnecessary doses of radiation and should be avoided, whenever possible.
These images are gathered from disparate sources and available in a single patient record. These images are also available to download to a participating organization’s Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). This feature presents data in a timely manner and in a usable, actionable format so recipients can deliver efficient and effective patient care.

This use case leverages the image view based on a radiology report and historical source system images from the organization’s PACS. This feature offers high resolution images available for viewing at the point of care without the need for additional storage.
The intended audience for this use case includes organizations that allow viewing and/or download to PACS of electronic radiology images to healthcare entities. These may include but are not limited to hospitals, ambulatory clinics, health departments, physician offices, and medical practices.