Making Choices Michigan – Let’s Talk

What the conversation looks like

Are you ready to be proactive about your healthcare goals and preferences? Let’s talk!

We know that sometimes people are more comfortable learning about being proactive with their healthcare, and having conversations about their goals and preferences, outside of a healthcare setting.

Our team is available to come to you and lead an educational group presentation for your organization, workplace, community center, place of worship and more. We also facilitate conversations with individuals to help them create their plan and clearly communicate their preferences, values, and beliefs to their healthcare advocates, family, and broader healthcare system, across all stages of life.

    Interested in scheduling a presentation or having a conversation to start your plan? Let’s connect.

    Schedule your conversation below

    Whether you prefer a phone call or a face-to-face meeting, we look forward to hearing from you!

    Send an email to  with the following:

    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Availability

    Other MCM Pages

    MCM Home  |  About  |  Resources  |  Life Stages  |  Let’s Talk  |  Volunteer  |  ACP CoP


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